Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Completely overlooked by me when it was released, I didn’t see this comedy until almost 1 year after everyone else was talking about it, and now I’ve probably watched it 5 times. One of things I thought of most with my list: Is the movie one I want to re-watch again and again without it becoming tiresome? This is one of the few comedies in recent memory that I think gets better each time. The simple story of boy loses girl, boy finds new girl, boy almost gets old girl back, boy gets new girl is given a fun slant in this film that, along with great dialogue and good performances, gives us wonderful scenery of Hawaii. It doesn’t hurt that we get to look at Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell either. A funny movie that never crosses that ‘over-the-top’ line that so many comedies this decade always seemed to do, it is impossible to Forget Sarah Marshall.

good call here, Matt. We finally agree on a movie!
Glad to know it... We can't all be perfect!
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